Setup Guide

Setup Chrome Extension

  • 1. Get a new license key buy subscribing to Premium Plan.
  • 2. Install the chrome extension in your chrome browser.
  • 3. Configure the chrome extension by entering the license key and store id in your the chrome extension settings.
    • Click on the extension icon to open the settings.
    • Enter your license key (you should receive this in your email with receipt of Premium Plan subscription).
    • Enter your store id, for which you want to receive the new sale alerts. (Get your store id here)
    • Click on connect. The status light near the title should turn green.

Setup Webhook

  • 1. Go to your LemonSqueezy account and select your store.
  • 2. Go to store webhook settings page.
  • 3. Add a new webhook by clicking on the Add Webhook button with the following details:
    • Callback URL:
    • Signing Secret: Use the license key (you should receive this in your email with receipt of Premium Plan subscription).
    • Select the events order_created and save the webhook.

Your setup is now complete and you should start receiving the new sale alerts on your chrome extension.